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Make your life easier – Part 1

Every day our lives get a little more complicated. That’s the reality of the world that we’re currently living in. It’s not easy to keep order in your life – even if you’re one of the few who excel in keeping things in line! Finding just the right amount of order in your life is one of the secrets to making your life easier (learning to say ‘No.’ is another secret…) When you can find what […]

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Coffee, makes you think

After owing its name to the mindful Fransciscan monks, the Capuchin friars, many of us overlook our daily cappuccino (or other frothy delight) and how much we spend on these little luxuries in life. One of the best ways to add meaning to our money is to be mindful about how we spend it, and our financial well-being is closely linked to how we feel about our money and what it means to us. If we […]

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The RA-minder

For many, the way in which we save and invest is not a daily conversation, so it’s easy to forget what we have in place AND WHY we have it in place. Here’s a quick reminder! An RA… or Retirement Annuity is one such product that can often confuse many. RAs have been around for a long time and are basically private pension plans that help you to save for retirement. As we near the end […]

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Share the love with your wallet

Is it time for some romance without the rands? You can sweep someone off their feet whilst keeping yours on the ground. Valentine’s Day has gained the reputation of being a Hallmark holiday that promotes Lindt rather than love.  Ahead of rushing off to the shops to buy a big bunch of flowers or box of chocolates, you may wish to take a moment to reflect on the meaning behind the day and how you can […]

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Breathe cleaner air in your home

Here’s all you need to know about houseplants! We live in increasingly polluted environments – both inside and outside! Trees and plants remain the best ‘machines’ for pumping down carbon dioxide and supplying us with clean air. Without good, clean air, we have less energy and are more prone to allergies and poor health. If you want to improve your home or work space, here are a few reasons why you could consider plants in your […]

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Improve the way you invest for the year

Having an eager desire to achieve more is a key motivator for success. If you want to achieve more in your investing, why not consider setting new wealth goals and not just new health goals for the new year? New and revised goals require a new plan, so for continued success with your investments into this year, start planning properly. Here are four strategies to get your new investment year started on solid footing and continue […]

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Moving on from “summer-body” goals

Ever set yourself a goal to get your ‘summer body’ ready? On some level, all of us have moments when we’re not happy with our bodies and the way they look – whether it’s seasonal, emotional or hereditary… and we resolve to do something about it. For many of us… these turn out to be short-term goals. We could work at the change for a few weeks, or even a few months, but if we manage […]

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When to re-think your medical plan

The first benefit of medical cover is peace-of-mind, the second is that you will be protected from potential financial ruin should your hospital bill be more than you can manage. It is important to be on a medical plan that suits both your monthly affordability and caters to most of your medical requirements. Since changing your medical plan or option can be costly, you need to change at the right time and for the right reasons. […]

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Sharing Is Caring

You’ve learnt lessons throughout your life. Some of them are unique to you, but many will apply to others too. Being open to sharing these will benefit those nearest and dearest to you – and help you reflect on what you’ve learnt. This is profoundly true when it comes to how we make decisions around our finances. Sharing these lessons may be a sensitive topic but it’s worth breaking the ice! Encouraging these conversations promotes honesty […]

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The retirement gap needs a new rap

Retirement (as well as education and the job market) is one of our greatest future-unknowns. We know it will happen… but we are finding it harder to understand and predict what it might look like. This doesn’t mean we should abandon planning for it. If anything, it simply means that we need to change the way we start to talk about, engage with and plan for retirement. According to a global survey done by BlackRock, about […]

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