It’s that time of the month again when you either feel as though you have wisely managed your monthly budget or you are counting the cents as you barely scrape through into March. To avoid this worry in the future, here are some saving tips to help you keep your cash in hand! Read more, literally… Reading is one of the cheapest, yet most rewarding, hobbies around. Spending some of your free time wrapped in a […]
With festive season celebrations now a distant memory and all of the leftovers hopefully eaten, something still remains for the majority of South Africans – a looming credit card debt! It doesn’t have to linger for long but getting out of credit card debt requires a realistic goal and a firm resolve. You will have to monitor your progress regularly to minimize your pitfalls and motivate yourself to keep on track. Fight the temptation The first […]
Continue readingTAX YEAR END – RA BOOST
With the tax year drawing to a close at the end of February, it is worth looking into the advantages of making a supplementary contribution into your retirement annuity (RA). The National Treasury estimates that only 10% of South Africans are able to maintain the same standard of living after retirement. Here are some good reasons to give your RA a boost before the tax year end. Boost your tax return When submitting your income tax […]
It is almost that time of the year again – when hearts are worn on the sleeve and chocolate is eaten in excess. While lavish consumerism is often an indulgence, there are a number of thoughtful ways to make this day romantic without burning a hole in your pocket. ORGANICALLY ROMANTIC Go back to basics, break away from all the pomp and procedure of a fancy restaurant and organise an organically romantic sunset picnic. You will […]
Continue reading5 TIPS FOR INVESTING
It is never too early or late to start an investment portfolio. If you already have a portfolio it doesn’t hurt to gain some extra insight, whether you choose to acknowledge the advice or not… at least arm yourself with it! Here are five investment tips to help you stay on top of your expenditures. Follow investors on social media There is a huge accumulation of knowledge being distributed via social media platforms. Assess the people […]
If you are interested in investing for your children’s future education, a good way to achieve this is with exchange-traded funds (ETF). It is best advised to have a balanced portfolio spread over multiple asset classes so as to reduce volatility and enhance performance potential. You should consider the following points when setting up education accounts for your children: THIRD-PARTY ACCOUNTS Set up separate third-party accounts for each child. You will have control over the investment […]
Do you want to begin your 2015 financial year on a good note? Then what better time to review your financial plan! A financial plan provides you with the financial security to overcome unforeseen events and map out a financial future for yourself. When creating a financial plan you need to identify key achievable goals that can advance your financial situation. Here are 10 tips for improving a financial plan: You need to have a clear […]
As 2014 has rolled over into 2015 people have invariably affirmed some New Year’s resolutions, but did you know that around one out of four people abandon their resolutions after one week! Seven days is all it takes to swerve off course. This isn’t because they have changed their minds about what they want, it’s because they haven’t properly envisioned how they will achieve their goals. There was a study done, showing that writing down your […]
Continue readingMORE LEFTOVERS?!?
The Festive Season is a super time for good food and (mostly good…) family. However, after all the aunts, uncles and cousins have departed there can be a prolific amount of food still to be consumed. Letting it go to waste would be a shame, but eating the same leftovers for a week can be bland. Here are some meal ideas to try, ranging in ingredients and skill to keep the taste buds appetised: Classic Turkey […]
Continue readingGET IT WRAPPED
People like to spruce up their houses around this time of the year with festive decorations. Either to display a better facade to guests that are invited over for dinner or to simply rouse some holiday spirit. I have put together a list of ideas to establish a merry mindset in an affordable and alternative way… take a look! A little ribbon goes a long way. Drape and fasten ribbon to banisters, windows, doors or even […]
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